Dave Goulson is professor of biology at University of Sussex, United Kingdom, specializing in bee ecology.
He has published more than 300 scientific articles on the ecology and conservation of bumblebees and other insects.
He is the author of ‘Bumblebees; Their Behaviour, Ecology and Conservation’, published in 2010 by Oxford University Press, and of the Sunday Times bestseller ‘A Sting in the Tale’, a popular science book about bumblebees, published in 2013 by Jonathan Cape, and now translated into seventeen languages.
This was followed by ‘A Buzz in the Meadow’ in 2014, ‘Bee Quest’ in 2017, ‘The Garden Jungle’ in 2019, and ‘Gardening for Bumblebees’ in 2021. Dave Goulson's latest book ‘Silent Earth’ was published in August 2021 followed by the Danish version, 'Den tavse klode', in May 2023.
Dave Goulson afholdte foredraget ‘Saving our insects’ efterårssemestret 2023 sammen med Kjeld Hansen.